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Dry Needling in Broomfield

dry needles in persons skinDry needling is a form of treatment that utilizes very thin needles to target trigger points and muscle knots in order to increase range of motion and blood flow and to decrease pain. Dry needling can help to correct dysfunction within a muscle and improve muscle recruitment and biomechanics.

This can help improve headaches, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff disorders, shoulder pain, IT band syndrome, low back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain, muscle spasms, joint mobility, and more.

What Are Trigger Points?

Small, localized areas of muscle spasm or tightness, trigger points can cause pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body. They are typically found in areas where muscles have become overused or strained due to repetitive motion, stress overload, poor posture, or trauma. When a trigger point is pressed it can cause a referred pain to distant areas of the body, and can also cause a decrease in range of motion due to tightness or spasm.

Benefits of Dry Needling

Here are some of the primary benefits associated with this treatment:

  • Increased range of motion
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased circulation
  • Relaxation of muscles
  • Decreased tension/pain levels
  • More efficient healing/recovery
  • Relief from chronic pain
  • Improved biomechanics and muscle recruitment

Some Differences Between Acupuncture & Dry Needling

People sometimes confuse dry needling with acupuncture as both are forms of therapy that use thin needles inserted into the body. However, they differ in many ways. Dry needling is a modern technique based on Western medical principles, while acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice with roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dry needling focuses on trigger points and muscle tightness, while acupuncture focuses on clearing energy pathways, known as meridians, to promote healing and balance.

What to Expect

First, your chiropractor will perform a thorough exam to evaluate areas of your body that may benefit from dry needling. This exam may include movement analysis, flexibility tests, muscle strength testing, and joint mobility testing.


Does dry needling hurt?

The insertion of the needle itself does not hurt, you may feel a little tap. Sometimes, the muscle being treated will twitch which can feel sore or like a deep ache. You may experience some muscle soreness similar to after a workout post treatment, this typically does not last more than 24 hours.

How long does a typical session take?

A typical treatment session lasts between 30-45 minutes depending on your condition and needs.

How soon do patients see results?

Although some people experience immediate results, multiple treatments may be needed for others.

What are the side effects?

Side effects can vary depending on each individual, but some common reactions include slight bruising at or near the insertion site, temporary soreness during or after treatment and skin discoloration around insertion areas.

Book an Appointment

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment!


Dry Needling Broomfield CO | (303) 945-4047